89 results, showing 21 to 30

Australians under 25 lost over $5 million to scams in 2019 and reports made from this age group are increasing faster than older generations.

Scamwatch is warning people to be cautious of online shopping scams in the lead up to the holiday season.

Australians are set to lose a record amount to scams in 2019, with projections from losses reported to Scamwatch and other government agencies so far expected to exceed $532 million by the end of the year, surpassing half a billion dollars for the first time.

Scams reported to the ACCC involving identity theft or the loss of personal/banking information have cost Australians at least $16 million this year, and this figure is likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Australians are losing more money to NBN scams, with reported losses in 2019 already higher than the total of last year’s losses.

Gift cards are increasingly the payment method of choice for scammers. Scamwatch reports show more than $5 million was lost in 2018, a 38 per cent increase compared with 2017.

Scamwatch is warning people to be careful about being caught out by holiday season scams.

People are increasingly being caught out by celebrity endorsement scams, with reports to Scamwatch increasing 400 per cent and losses increasing a staggering 3,800 per cent so far in 2018.

Australians lost more money to scammers in 2017 than in any other year since the ACCC began reporting on scam activity.

The ACCC is warning the community to be wary of scammers trying to ruin their Christmas holidays.