Scamwatch, led by the National Anti-Scam Centre, has your back. We’ll show you the warning signs of a scam and scammer tactics so you can stay one step ahead.

Scammers are criminals. There's no shame in getting scammed. It can happen to any of us. At Scamwatch, we’ll guide you through it with the information and connections you need.

The more we talk, the less power scammers have. Let’s build our defence with more scam sense.

Scamwatch is led by the National Anti-Scam Centre, which works across government and the private sector to protect Australian from scams.

What we do

Collect and share scam reports

Currently, around 1 in 3 scams go unreported.

When you report a scam, the information you provide helps us identify the most harmful scams to Australians.

We also use this information to understand how scammers work, who they harm and how we can disrupt and stop them.

We share scam reports with Australian and international law enforcement and other government organisations to help them investigate and prosecute scammers.

We work with government, business, law enforcement and the community to make it harder to scam Australians.

Help you spot and avoid scams 

Work together to stop scams

Many government organisations currently work to prevent scams, each having a different focus.

The National Anti-Scam Centre helps coordinate everyone's efforts.

Our first fusion cell targeted the growing problem of investment scams, which cost Australians more than $1 billion a year. Next, we are tackling job and employment scams.

Fusion cells are time-limited taskforces that target particular scam types. They bring together expertise from different government and private sector participants to address specific, urgent problems.

The National Anti-Scam Centre will coordinate up to 6 fusion cells over 3 years.

Contact us

With your help, we're protecting others from being scammed, and making Australia a harder target for scammers.

You can report a scam, give us feedback or ask a question here